Certification for ISO 46001:2019 Water Efficiency Management Systems
I. INTRODUCTION TO ISO 46001:2019Freshwater resources are unevenly distributed across the globe. Some regions are fortunate to have abundant supplies, while many others face frequent and severe droughts. Only a small fraction of the planet's freshwater is directly accessible for human consumption and daily use; the vast majority is saltwater in the oceans or locked away as ice in glaciers and polar regions. With the global population continuing to grow, placing immense pressure on this already limited resource, efficient and sustainable water use has become the only viable solution.
Water scarcity has become a critical issue in many parts of the world. This situation stems from a variety of factors, most notably climate change. In addition, rising human water consumption, coupled with the expansion of water-intensive industries and agriculture, is exacerbating the problem. The United Nations estimates that over the past century, global water consumption has increased at twice the rate of population growth. This means that by 2030, up to 700 million people could face severe water shortages. Since we cannot "create" more water, the only solution is to use existing resources more efficiently and sustainably.
To assist organizations of all sizes and sectors in improving their water use efficiency, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has published ISO 46001 – Water Efficiency Management Systems – Requirements with guidance for use. Built upon the practical experience of Singapore's national standard, one of the first countries to implement a water efficiency management system, ISO 46001 provides a clear management framework and detailed guidance. This standard offers methods and tools to assess, monitor, and control water usage, as well as to identify and implement optimization measures. Adopting and achieving ISO 46001 certification not only helps organizations worldwide improve their water efficiency but also contributes to significant operational cost savings.
2. Audit program and auditor assignment: GIC Vietnam develops an assessment program, clearly defining the activities needed to confirm that the organization’s water efficiency management system (WEMS) meets certification requirements. Auditors are selected based on expertise relevant to the assessment field, with additional technical auditors added as necessary.
3. Assessment process: Conducted in two stages:
Stage 1: Review documentation, conditions, scope, and the organization's readiness for stage 2 assessment.
Stage 2: Evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of the management system, including the following steps: Opening Meeting → Department/Unit Evaluation → Assessment Report Preparation → Closing Meeting.
4. Assessment report and corrective actions: The organization must implement corrective actions for errors and deficiencies found during the assessment, ensuring all requirements are fully met.
5. Review and certification issuance: The Certification Council reviews the assessment records to decide on certification approval or denial. ISO 46001:2019 certification is issued once the organization fully meets the requirements and is valid for three years, with periodic monitoring required to maintain validity.
+) International recognition: GIC is a reputable certification body widely recognized around the world, holding accreditation from leading organizations such as UKAS (United Kingdom), CPSC (United States), JAS-ANZ (Australia–New Zealand), SAAS (SAI), VICAS (Vietnam), SAC (Singapore), CNAS (China), and many others. Certificates issued by GIC are not only valid in Vietnam but also recognized internationally through accreditation marks and mutual recognition arrangements (MRA) under the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (APAC). This enables businesses to easily access global markets and enhance their brand reputation.
+) High-quality services at competitive costs: GIC Vietnam provides certification services according to the strict standards of Europe and North America, ensuring that enterprises’ products and services meet international benchmarks. Not only does GIC deliver superior service quality, but it also offers reasonable, competitive fees, allowing businesses to optimize resources while still achieving global recognition.
For ISO 46001:2019 certification inquiries, please contact:
12F, 14 Lang Ha Building, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi
Tel: 024.6275 2268, Fax: 024.6275 2269, Email: tuandm@gicvn.vn
Ho Chi Minh City Office: R502, 160 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia, Tel: 028.39307936