
GIC là tổ chức đánh giá sự phù hợp, hoạt động trong lĩnh vực Thử nghiệm - Giám định - Chứng nhận

Improvement Tools

Lean Manufacturing is a production management method that originated from the Toyota Production System (TPS) in Japan. The main objective of Lean is to optimize the production process by eliminating waste, thereby increasing value for customers without raising costs. This method is widely applied around the world and has become an essential part of process improvement in various industries.
Chia sẻ:

Management System

Product Certification

Improvement Tools

  • 5S Certification

    5S builds a professional image and fosters a dynamic, creative, and efficient work environment.
  • Lean Manufacturing

    Lean optimizes the production process by eliminating waste and increasing customer value.
  • KPIs

    KPI is a metric to evaluate goal achievement for a business, team, or individual.

Sustainable Development

Coaching and Training