1. GIC Vietnam ensures impartiality in certification activities across all functional levels, including: Strategic planning and establishing certification policies; assessment process; and certification decision-making.
2. Ensuring impartiality at the strategic and policy level:
a) GIC Vietnam establishes and maintains a GIC Vietnam Certification Council, consisting of representatives of stakeholders to guide and oversee the certification activities of GIC Vietnam.
b) The Certification Council typically includes the following representatives: representatives from relevant government authorities; representatives from consulting organizations or experts in consulting and conformity assessment; representatives of certified clients; representatives of beneficiaries of the certified organizations or businesses; and representatives from GIC Vietnam.
c) The GIC Vietnam Certification Council participates in the development of documents related to certified clients, such as general certification regulations, assessment procedures, certification decision-making processes, complaint procedures, and standards for auditors.
3. Ensuring impartiality during the assessment process:
a) All experts participating in the assessment (including technical experts) must inform GIC Vietnam of any relationships with the evaluated parties to identify and eliminate any lack of independence and bias during the certification process.
b) Experts who have been involved in consulting activities for the evaluated client will not be used in the assessment.
4. Ensuring impartiality in the certification decision-making process:
a) The GIC Vietnam Certification Manager is authorized to review and make decisions on the issuance of certificates to clients who fully meet the certification requirements. The Certification Manager does not participate in the assessment process.
b) In cases where the Certification Manager has participated in the assessment, the Director of GIC Vietnam will replace them to review and make the certification decision.
GIC Vietnam